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Some describe him as shy and inhibited in the public environment, while in private, those who know him assure that his way of being is different.

Like his predecessor and his former boss -Carlos Romero Deschamps-, Ricardo Aldana is rude and closed. In public he is shy, inhibited and unfriendly. Long sentences are hard for him and he prefers monosyllables, he showed it in his victory speech in the first minutes of February 1. This will be the next general secretary of one of the most important unions in the country: the oil industry.

After learning of his victory, Aldana spoke in front of some oil tankers who fervently waited outside the national headquarters of the STPRM.

“We have a challenge ahead that together we will achieve, no one can get ahead without the whole unit. We need you and your local and general executive committee to work on finding improvements for your workers,” he said.

The virtual national leader of the union that brings together 89,000 Petróleos Mexicanos workers, was not even going to be the official candidate, he had to come out as a pinch hitter due to the serious health condition of interim leader Manuel Limón.

Those who know him say that in private he is different, especially when he hangs out with his colleagues in fancy restaurants, including Deschamps himself. However, the virtual leader has rejected that behind his administration that will end on December 31, 2024, the shadow of the one who lasted 26 years as general secretary and was the successor of another historic one remains: Joaquín Hernández Galicia “La Quina”.

Is Deschamps behind your candidacy?, he was questioned in an interview days before the election

“No, Carlos Romero Deschamps left in 18”.

And if you win, isn’t he going to run the union?

“Well, until now no one has directed me, not even my wife,” he replied with a mocking laugh and seeking the support of his colleagues who were in the room.

Who is Ricardo Aldana?

Aldana Prieto was born in Orizaba, Veracruz, on May 3, 1954. He was 18 years old when he started working for Petróleos Mexicanos.

He started the Electromechanical Engineering career, but did not finish it. From 1978 he became secretary treasurer of the STPRM and in 1979 he joined the party in power, the PRI, for which he was plurinominal senator from 2000 to 2006.

After the Pemexgate scandal, in which financing was triangulated from the federal government and Pemex to the PRI campaign, he was identified as a participant in said fraud, from which he was exonerated. The opposition even tried to withdraw his jurisdiction so that he could be tried, but they were unsuccessful.

Even to this day, his annoyance is evident when asked about the case.

“I think that talking about it… it’s already more than 20 years old and I want to tell you something. It has been a recurring theme and pointed out all the time, let’s see, in my case I was exonerated of all charges, of all. Seven years of trial and not with a PRI government, with the government that accused us. The law exonerated those who had to exonerate, that’s all, there is nothing else, but it will continue to be an issue, “the same interview claimed.

The PRI kept him in Congress as a plurinominal deputy from 2006 to 2009, and again in the period 2012-2015. He was a national political adviser of that party from 2004 to 2006 and also held the portfolio of president of the Supervisory Council of the PRI National Executive Committee from 2006 to 2012.

He has been accused by members of the dissidence for crimes such as fraud, and in this election of the STPRM complaints were filed stating that he did not meet the requirements as he was a trusted person or a base person, but the Secretary of Labor, Luis María Calderón, endorsed his candidacy .

In his campaign, Ricardo Aldana showed that the management of the union’s resources will continue to be opaque, since he assures that the one who owes transparency is the militants.

He pointed out that transparency is owed only to the union, because “outside they do not cooperate with the quotas, the quotas are private and belong to the workers and the only ones who have the right to demand accounts are the workers who are the ones who give their money, to that We owe the transparency and management of their resources to no one else. If they were public resources and when they are public, when Pemex has given us public resources, they are on the platform, we also make them transparent. There is a myth… we We killed a dog and they put dog killers on us, unfortunately”.